“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”

This year we have spent the first few weeks of Autumn indoors snuggling up, drinking hot drinks, nursing colds, watching films and recovering from long weeks at school, so this weekend we decided to go for a walk to blow off our cobwebs.

We ended up walking over 6 miles mostly following the river and the children did amazingly well. Amy who is only three was a superstar and didn’t even complain once, which was really impressive as just before the summer she wanted to be carried on even the shortest of walks.

We sadly didn’t find any conkers, but Lily loved walking past the cows and insisted she had never seen a cow before (she has), and enjoyed seeing the ones that were ‘cuddling’ (It was the cleanest explanation we could find!). James loved the cow jokes afterwards!

Leaves everywhere…
Lily and her favourite leaves. Inspired by this photo from Esther at Inside Out & About.
Ava walked a little way before she was ready for her afternoon nap. This was her just before she fell asleep
I think this might be my favourite photo, I wanted a photo to prove we had bravely walked past those cows (when we were safely past them, because they were quite large and scary, especially when they started following us!). Mr T tried to wind me up by shouting ‘Watch out for that cow behind you’ – It didn’t work as I had already checked, but the girls did look, they were just checking their mummy was okay!


“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”

with the lovely Donna at Whattheredheadsaid.com

Living Arrows

18 Responses

    1. We haven’t been that close to cows before! We had walked so far around our circular walk that it was easier to man-up and keep on going…. The cows had been walking away from us but it was a really narrow field and when we walked past they started following, it was a bit worrying, they are beautiful creatures though xx

  1. Gorgeous photos! I’m not going to lie – I find herds of cows quite scary too! There’s something a bit menacing about them, isn’t there? Amy doing so much walking fills me with hope too – my son wants a carry everywhere at the moment! #livingarrows

    1. Thank you 🙂 They are a bit scary, hence the ‘safe distance’ photo as proof!! Amy refused to walk even the 10 minuite walk to school in June/July so has changed so much over the last few months. I used to look like the mad-woman on the school run, carrying a baby on my back in a carrier and Amy on my shoulders or on my front. Good luck with your little man… its hard work carrying them when they grow, Amy weighs over 2.5 stone now!!

    1. Thank you, I am hoping to join in with Living Arrows more regularly, its a good reminder to capture the moment. I am an ‘all or nothing’ photographer, I either take millions of photos or none at all.

    1. I think it was when they all started walking towards us that I thought the walk had been a bad idea! I am sure they were more scared of us, but they are still pretty scary! Thank you xx

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