When is a broken elbow, not a broken elbow? That’s the question we are still asking ourselves.

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the night Amy hurt her arm on bonfire night. She was swinging between the arms of our two sofas and fell onto her elbow. The next day her arm had almost doubled in size overnight and we took her straight to hospital. After an xray we were told it was broken. Poor poor Amy.

Amy had her arm in cast for around 10 days, but when we went back to the hospital we were told that it wasn’t broken, but that they are really pre-cautious with elbow joints. I was so pleased to hear that it wasn’t broken, and I was pleased it had been in cast too while it was so swollen because I think it helped Amy to take more care and helped it to heal.

We are now a week on and she is still not using her arm fully. She has done really well and has refused to give up trying, which I am so proud of her for. She has started using her arm a little, she insisted on having a go at ice skating and skiing and she absolutely loves riding on her scooter. At the same time she  wont straighten her arm fully, she doesn’t like bearing weight on it, and holds it up out of the way a lot.

We have had countless few heart-stopping moments over the last few weeks, If i could of wrapped Amy in cotton wool, I would have done! Having a poorly elbow has not stopped her boundless energy, and she still runs, jumps, swings and spins as much as she possibly can. Wether she is usually as active, or maybe its just because I spend so much of my day holding my breath, and asking her to be careful; Im not sure – but she has definitely kept me on me toes and my heart rate up!

Amy’s elbow seems to be getting better each day, and the whole experience has made us very grateful that our ‘ordinary’ doesn’t usually include hospitals visits or pain and I think its something we take for granted during times of health, and my heart goes out to all those who aren’t as lucky.

It has also made us feel really thankful for our NHS service, who were there for us when Amy need them.


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