Dear James
Mummy and Daddy want to remember everything about you as you grow into an handsome young man. This is the first of many letters we hope to write about the memories we are making each day.
You are growing so fast, I can’t believe that you are over 5 years old! You are my little shorty, Lily is really tall and she is nearly the same height as you, people ask if you are twins. I think a growth spurt will see you tower above the girls, you are all going to be taller than Mummy!
You still enjoy a cuddle, and you love it when Daddy carries you. Your hair is like your Daddy’s and we keep shorter at the back as you get cute “fluffy” bits that stick out.
You are very capable on your feet now and you love climbing, diving, running, jumping, and doing your “moves”. You dive on the floor, twist your legs and arms around and strike a pose, its a bit like break-dancing! You love playing outside, even in winter the cold doesn’t deter you, you received a certificate at school recently for playing outside and staying fit and healthy.

You have a very good memory, you can remember things that happened years ago in amazing detail. You like to remind Mummy and Daddy of things and talk about your memories. You like to be involved with everything and you don’t like it if we have to change our plans. Today we had planned to sort the wood for our chicken house in the front garden with Grandad, but it was too cold 0.6 degrees *shiver* and we had to cancel. You understood but you were very upset.
You love being involved in family decisions and making suggestions and comments. Your vocabulary is impressive, and you ask what words mean and try to include them in the right context. You sound a lot like Mummy when you ask Lily to be careful not to spill her drink.
You are very affectionate and love a cuddle and a kiss, especially at bedtime, you dont settle very well well without a kiss from Mummy and Daddy. You enjoy holding hands still. You aren’t as affectionate with Lily and Amy, but you enjoy it when they come and give you cuddles, especially Amy, you are quite protective over Amy.
You enjoy helping and you love pouring your own drink. You can reach the light switches now and love helping your sisters turn them on and off. You can get dressed by yourself but you are scared of being upstairs alone so often ask for an adult to be upstairs with you. You amaze us with your computer skills, you are able to play games, navigate the computer and turn it on and off correctly.

You enjoy being a big brother and Lily is your partner in crime. You are full of fun and laughter and you dedicate hours to make your sisters laugh and smile. At the moment the love it when you pull funny faces, speak in a funny voice, dance and pose!
You are a good sleeper, but recently you have been having a few nightmares which have woken and scared you. You have been going to the toilet in the night for a while now, but it still makes us extremely proud to hear your little footsteps pad from your bedroom to the toilet. You are a very early riser and and your favourite way to start the day is with a big cuddle, its our favourite way to start the day too!
You love spending time with Mummy and Daddy, especially when we all do things together like make, draw or cook.

Daddy loves showing you how to do things, and you love to try everything yourself, I remember finding you with a screwdriver on Christmas Day trying to put batteries a new toy!
You cuddling up to mummy and daddy at storytime, and you are working really hard on your phonics. Your writing is getting clearer each day and you hold your pencil properly now and concentrate well. Your logic is amazing, recently you watched a program on TV about physical and mental work, and the narrator asked at the end which type of work was harder. You replied to me : “both, both types of work are hard. Daddy works hard with his brain and hands” This made your Daddy’s day!
You love Scooby Do and you enjoy to watch films now too. You loved The Polar Express at Christmas, and How to Train Your Pet Dragon 2. Your favourite toy at the moment is your Hot Wheels cars and track, you choose your first set as your reward for getting 3 golden stars at school.
You are an happy upbeat little boy, who always wants to make everyone happy, you brighten up our world with your smile and we love you to the stars and back again.
We will love you always and forever
Love Mummy and Daddy