I feel a little odd admitting this, but there is just something about photography that is good for my soul. I love taking photographs, and I always feel relaxed and happier when I am out with my camera. It helps me to express creativity and I love thinking about what emotion I am trying to capture, or story I am trying to tell. Technology has advanced so rapidly that everyone has access to a camera, and I love that everyone can use photography to capture those moments and tell their story.
I find therapy in editing photographs in Lightroom too, and I love the quiet moments sat at my pc, editing photographs with a warm cup of tea. I love how a slightly different colour of photo can sometimes change the whole emotion of the photograph, and how cropping a photo in a different way can draw the eye to a different part of an image.
I have been wondering for a while now if I should look into becoming a professional photographer, and turn a passion into a career. I think my favourite kind of photography is the ones that show emotion and relationships between two people, and it’s even better if those people happen to be some my favourite people on this planet. Maybe the strangest thing I love to photograph is mushrooms, and we are even at a point where if the children spot one, they point and shout excitedly!

In September this year, I found a photography club in my local town, and I decided to join. Joining has really opened my mind to the different types of photography and is helping me understand more about the types of photography I love, what makes a good photo and how to achieve it. I also have learnt a lot about my own style of photography, and my personal preferences with editing.
Mr T had an amazing idea, to go for a photo-walk with the children, and give them our old cameras to take some photographs. We have a tendency to horde technology, and over the last 10 years, we have had five different cameras. We headed out to a local wood that although less than 10 minutes away from our home, it’s a place we often forget about. Its a really dense wood, that could easily have you lost if you strayed off the path, its packed full of tall poplar, pine and sycamore trees.
We always take a camera when we are out about, but not usually 4 of them! I think it really helped show the children my side of the lens and why I love photography so much. I am really lucky that they are all really willing subjects anyway, usually, if one person poses for a photo, its normal for others to join in.

Leaf me alone – James asked me to take a photo of him holding a leaf we found
Hand in hand – Ava fell into a huge puddle about half-way around our walk, and wasn’t very impressed!
Amy – My mini photographer
James with our old Canon bridge camera
The Algae covered water – James and Lily found this facinating to photograph.

This photo was meant to be one of Mr T, but I caught Amy and Lily in the bottom corner, Amy is showing Lily her photographs.

The children absolutely loved taking photographs, and I hope that one day, one of them decides to share my passion. I think that could be Amy, who managed to take the most photographs during our walk. She was a natural and took photographs from different angles and loved spotting anything unique to photograph. James impressed us too, he put a lot of thought into adjusting his position and camera to try and get the shot he wanted.

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” – Kahlil Gibran