We have had a very relaxed week, its been nice to wind down after the festive period, and just spend time together as a family, instead of the hustle and bustle of the school run mayhem. We are very lucky that Mr T is on holiday over the Christmas and New Year as his work place closes, he doesnt return for another full week, but the children go back to school on Tuesday.
New Year escaped us this year. Mr T had to visit the doctors earlier this week as his back pain became unmanageable and his new medication makes him very tired throughout the day, combined with my pregnancy which is exhausting, we were both ready for bed at 9pm. I had a small glass of baileys to celebrate which was a complete mistake as it sent me to sleep, Mr T however managed to stay awake which left me feeling very guilty for abandoning him alone. He did wake me and we shared a happy new years kiss which was very romantic. He also brought me a very unexpected cooked breakfast in bed on Friday, which was truly thoughtful and romantic, I was really touched.
We havent strayed far from home in the last week, as Mr T can’t drive on his medication and I don’t trust myself to (pregnancy tiredness and back pain/sciatica) I think our car has objected to not being driven as much as we have had to jump-start it twice, but thinking about it we don’t think the battery has been replaced since it was manufactured which was 10 years ago, so a new battery is needed! We have also had 2 flat tyres in the last week, that when inflated again have held their pressure, so we aren’t sure if some ‘kind’ local youths have been near it.
The children have enjoyed their time together, building puzzles & lego, drawing pictures, playing games, watching movies and generally just being with each other. I think Amy has enjoyed it the most, she really misses Lily and James when they are at school. I have enjoyed the blissful afternoon naps that ive had with Mr T at home to look after the children.
I am now 21 weeks pregnant, luckily my sickness has eased off but I am so unbelievably tired I could go to bed when the children do. I am struggling to stay asleep throughout the night, and waking in the early hours of the morning. It’s a bit frustrating that I can’t sleep during the night but if you give me a chance to nap during the day I am out like a light! Earlier this week we found out we were having a baby girl, which means James will be the oldest of 3 sisters. I have spent a good few hours imagining what life will be like as a mum of four children, how we will arrange the bedrooms and about our newest addition. This week the gentle movements have become definite kicks, it’s a beautiful feeling.
Our front garden is full of pallets, and if im honest it looks a bit of an eyesore. They will be broken down so we can use the wood for a chicken house at our allotment. I’m a little too excited about keeping chickens and fresh free-range eggs! Mr T & his Dad (Grandad) started to break them down today and the children loved watching through the window. This is Lily helping Amy put her coat on so they can come outside and say hi while I take the workers hot drinks. (The clip in Lily’s hair, she put in herself!)

Recently I’ve been trying to take some more natural pictures of the children, so when I saw them all sat together I sneaked in with my camera, but i was spotted…

So they all cuddled up and started saying cheese! This was the third or fourth photo… Amy had lost interest and started watching TV
I’m linking up with Katie over at MummyDaddyMe forΒ #TheOrdinaryMoments
Come say hello on twitter too: @littleowlshouse