James started going to beavers around 6 weeks ago, about 2 weeks after his 6th Birthday, and after a slightly rocky start, he absolutely loves it! Last week the scout leader asked him if he was enjoying attending and if he would like to become a official beaver scout. James was really excited about joining, having his own uniform and starting to earn all the badges.
The skills he is learning at scouts are valuable skills for life, since he joined, he has learned things like the highway code and basic first aid. He has made biscuits, paintings and crafts, he has played games and made lots of new friends. They have cub camp’s where they sleep over night and he has heard the older scouts have been laser questing, which is something he would love to do!
Joining Beavers
Before James started beavers we decided to visit one evening and see if we could speak to someone about him joining, he ended up staying for that session. I expected to be able to stay with him, but due to child protection they couldn’t let me, so I dutifully left his details and my contact details and drove home feeling very strange.
I think James expected me to stay too, and just before I left he turned to me and said “I think I want to come home”, he was the youngest in the room and watching a room full of strangers play, I could see he was scared and out of his comfort zone.
I convinced him to stay, explained it was only for an hour. I told him if he needed me, all he had to do was to tell an adult and I would come back and collect him. I was so worried I had made the wrong decision to leave him, and for the full hour I was tense, but he was absolutely fine when I collected him, and except for crying once, he really enjoyed it.
I discovered that I knew one of the leaders, who was a friend from my college days, which put my mind at rest too!
James investiture into beaver Scouts.
We were invited to James’ investiture ceremony last week, as part of the short ceremony he was given his woggle, a certificate and his badges. He had to say the Scout promise, and he was welcomed into the scouting group by shaking all the beavers and leaders hands. James was nervous about remembering the promise, but the leaders were really good and helped him. He was so excited about wearing his new jumper and feeling part of the group.
Its a strange feeling watching children grow and develop passions and hobbies of their own, I was really proud of James for standing up in front of all his peers and saying the Scouting promise, it honestly doesn’t seem like long ago he was just a baby and totally dependant on us.
Six years later in the blink of an eye he is a young man starting to follow his passions and his dreams. I am sure I will blink again and he will be nearing the teen years. I am so aware recently of how fast time is flying by, and I am doing my best to enjoy, remember and be thankful for the little things in everyday.

I am linking up with Katie at MummyDaddyMe for The Ordinary Moments