A change of situation & finding myself

Somewhere over these last 12 months, I managed to completely lose myself. I’ve been really quiet in this space. What you can’t see is behind the scenes. All the unfinished posts, some just with titles and a few passionate sentences. Some with thousands of words or a jumble of paragraphs I couldn’t bring myself to […]

Life Through A Lens

I feel a little odd admitting this, but there is just something about photography that is good for my soul. I love taking photographs, and I always feel relaxed and happier when I am out with my camera.  It helps me to express creativity and I love thinking about what emotion I am trying to capture, or […]

Effortless Labelling with Stamptastic

It’s that time of year again when parents are buying uniform ready for September. This is our 5th year of buying and labelling uniform, and for the first time we have four sets of uniform to label, as Amy starts reception and our little Ava is to spend two days a week in the two-year old […]

Slow Mornings and Fast Weekends

Slow Mornings There is something about waking naturally, rather than to the sound of an alarm or the radio. It always makes the mornings seem much more relaxed, even if they do start at the usual time of 7am (Yes, we are VERY lucky!). My favourite part of the school holidays is losing the rush to […]

5 Benefits of a Minimalist Life

We are about two years into our minimalist journey, and it really has had a huge impact on our lives, so much so I wanted to share the benefits we have found. When I talk about minimalism, I often refer to it as a ‘journey’, it’s something we still work on every day.  Even after […]

Minimalism – Our Journey So Far

Our journey into minimalism started around 6 months ago. I was struggling with anxiety and depression, and I knew I had to make some positive changes to our lifestyle. I was in denial about this for a long time, I felt ashamed. I had a beautiful healthy family, a supportive husband and a comfortable home. […]

6 Ways That Minimalism Helped Me Cope With Anxiety and Depression

Since Ava’s birth (May 2015), I have been finding life hard. It was mostly due to no sleep, four children aged 6 and under, having an endless list of work to do and having no time for myself.  I felt like I was trying to keep too many plates spinning, and dropping them all. I […]

Reading With The Reading Chest

James loves reading, his school set a challenge to read each night. He loves challenges too; he read to us every single night for 16 weeks. He came 1st in the reading challenge in his class and he was so proud of himself, his smile almost touched his ears! When the summer holidays started and […]