Dear Lily, You Are Six!

Dear Lily – You Are Six! My gorgeous girl, you are six years old! Six seems so much more grown-up somehow and I can’t believe it has been six whole years since we welcomed you into our lives. You started a new school in September. It was a completely new school, and building work had […]

Beautiful Amy, You are 3 years old!

Dear Beautiful Amy. You are three years old, and I can’t believe how fast time is flying. You are my big girl, and you wont hear anyone call you a baby without a stern word. At home you are fiercely independent, following in the much bigger footsteps of Lily and James, you keep up with […]

My Beautiful Lily, You Are 5 Years Old!

Dear Lily – You Are Five! It has been 5 whole years since you made your entrance into our world, half a decade has passed us by already and it only seems like yesterday we brought you home. The most noticeable change you have had in the last 3 months is your confidence. You talk […]

James, You Are 6 And A Quarter

Dear James I can barely believe that another 3 months has passed and I am writing another letter. You are well and truly settled into Year 1 at school now, and spelling, reading and homework are a big part of our week. You really love going to school, and you especially love choosing time when […]

Beautiful Lily, you are 4 and 3 quarters!

Dear Beautiful Lily The last few months have been so busy, and your transition in to reception you found difficult, but I am proud of your resilience and you have settled in well. You seem so much more grown up in the last few months since your last letter. I really miss you now that […]

Little Ava, you are 5 months old!

You are five months old, and I honestly cant believe you have been a part of our little family nearly half a year already, yet at the same time it feels like you have always been here. You are growing and learning more each day. You reach out for things now, and although you are […]

Beautiful Amy, You are 2 and an half!

Dear Beautiful Amy. You are two and an half years old now and I can’t believe that its been three months since my last letter. You are such a good, happy & content little lady. You have a beautiful cheeky smile and you love to be involved in absolutely everything. Your passion and enthusiasm for […]

Little Ava, you are 3 months old!

Dear Beautiful Ava You have been a part of our family for three whole months now, and I marvel at how much you have changed in that short space of time. You fit so perfectly into our family, and you are doing exactly what you are supposed to do… growing, learning and thriving. You have […]

Beautiful Lily, You are 4 and a half!

   Dear Beautiful Lily Its been 6 months since I wrote your last letter, I had planned to write every 3 months, but your last letter fell just after Ava’s birth and Daddy’s operation and our house was a bit crazy! You are now 4 and a half years old, you are growing so fast, […]

James – You are 5 years and 9 months

Dear James It’s hard to believe that you only have one month left before you begin a new adventure in Year 1, the progress you and your class have made this year is outstanding! You seem very grow up now, and its hard to put my finger on exactly why. You hold conversations well and […]